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About Us

History Comes Full Circle for Pastor Paul's Club

Back in 1986 Pastor Paul's Mission was in full swing with many programs designed to meet the needs of people who were just getting by on limited incomes. Today, Pastor Paul's Club will be developed to continue to offer products at good prices.

Pastor Paul's Mission was well known for these Historic Programs most of which consisted of 'Free Food GiveAways'. More than 30 years later Pastor Paul's Mission hopes to reconnect with friends online here at Pastor Paul's Club.

We hope to connect with friends who were registered with Pastor Paul's Mission that may have a limited income and want to become a VIP Club Member while others are contributors and want to donate VIP Club Merchandise. We hope to connect both communities of members and donors.

It was always our intent to utilize this database information to help connect individuals to services and products that they may need at prices they could afford with their limited budget. We wanted to create a community of individuals who could also help each other and network together. Today with social media, text messaging, phones and apps, we think our time has come. We are going to give it a go and hope you are onboard!

The VIP Club Membership will develop according to our members needs and participation.
We are looking forward to serving you in this unique and different way!


In the Near Future: The Benefits of Membership is Valuable.

Why? The prices for the VIP Club Merchandise will be discounted for members always. Your membership extends to your dependent household members without limitation regarding the size of the family. They will use the same registration number when ordering. Members always have first priority with limited inventory. Purchases are limited to members as a first priority. Then after a period of time if merchandise is still available, it will be open to the public without discount prices.

Pastor Paul's Registered Grocery Shelf recipients will receive, at no cost, a 1 year membership upon completing an updated form. The value is $12 for a 1 year membership. We want the registrants that were served for many years to have the benefit of belonging to the VIP Club for the first year at no cost for membership. We will use their original registration number so they are able to maintain seniority and get rewards for products and services. This will be developed in the near future. 

Thank you for your interest in Pastor Paul's Club.
As we develop the store and our shopping network, we hope to serve you in an affordably unique way.